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         Radical Imagination was established in 2020 to make space for Black, Indigenous and artists of color to commune with one another and the land. Our current projects consist of an artist residency, land trust and series of events. We are led by a trio of international Black and Brown women artists. Meet our co-founders and welcome to our collective future. Joy is our path and we would love to meet you on the journey.


There is no shame in purely wanting to be alive above all else. To establish and affirm a true life here – to not merely survive but to radically imagine a new way to live. To shed all that which does harm to the truth within you. To travel far throughout and within to establish a world within a world. 

To seek beauty, comfort, tenderness, and safety. To be stewards of the land that we spent years tending and were owed. To grant those whose vision for the future is a place where their true selves can be nourished and supported.


Kyana Gordon is an artist, writer, and researcher whose work centers liberation, everday people, community care, and history.

Kenya Lazuli (she/her) is the co-founder of Lazuli Residency and has hosted artists from around the world in a tiny corner of Vermont.

Cori Ready is a hospitality activist, conceptual event director, artist, designer and artist advocate working in the field of radical hospitality.